Community Service
Book and Needle is committed to service at the community, state, and national levels. We are always up to something and always looking for new ways to serve! Below are examples of some of our recurring initiatives.

Family Fun Day
We attend Oradell's Fall kickoff event to celebrate community spirit and hand out school supplies to children.

Girls' Career Institute
B&N sponsors two girls annually to attend Girls' Career Institute, a "mini college experience" at Douglass Residential College on the campus of Rutgers University.

Operation Christmas Stocking
Every Fall we collect items and pack holiday stockings to send to U.S. troops stationed overseas.
Special State Project
As part of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs (NJSFWC), Book and Needle Woman's Club of Oradell participates in the Special State Project.

The 2020-2022 Special State Project is Operation Chillout: "No Borders, No Boundaries." Operation Chillout is New Jersey's oldest and only all-volunteer mobile outreach for homeless veterans. Learn more.